February 23, 2025

We “rethink the week” with Adele Stan, editor of RightWingWatch and columnist for The American Prospect, Glenn Smith, who managed the campaign of former Texas Governor Ann Richards and now writes for ProgressTexas, and Dean Spiliotes, presidential scholar and civic scholar from Southern New Hampshire University.

We are full of admiration for the championship US Women’s Soccer team, not simply for their wonderful athletic achievements but also for their leadership in standing up for women’s rights to equal pay, standing up for other marginalized groups’ human rights, and for their courage in speaking truth to power even in the face of bullying, threats and demonizing. They are modeling true leadership.

We also discuss Pres. Trump’s refusal to abide by the law. Separate from his own personal criminal activity, he has violated US laws and refused to follow court orders. Even after a Supreme Court ruling against him on the census issue, Trump is considering ways that he can nevertheless do what he wants (suppressing the immigrant and Latinx vote), whether through loopholes or just barging ahead lawlessly.

We talk about one tool Trump uses to get his way and to control the public debate: lying brazenly and incessantly. Even when his own administration (the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General) highlights extremely disturbing facts about the damage that our government is perpetrating on immigrant children whom we’ve incarcerated, the President says this is “fake news” invented by the New York Times (aka “enemy of the people”).

Demeaning and disregarding the law — and the blizzard of lies that Trump uses to cover for his actions — are now threatening to undermine American democracy — gradually, insidiously, often under the radar and denied — but relentlessly. We must be vigilant and take action to protect our values.

Finally, we examine the Democratic race for President of the US to succeed Trump. Biden and Bernie, who had been the longtime frontrunners, are now facing serious challenges from Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and others. What is the best strategy for the Dems to take on Trump? How does one even debate the perpetual lies of the president? Should a candidate ever apologize for her/his past actions, as Joe Biden has now done?