February 22, 2025

Two parts
Part 1: Bill Curry on the need to impeach Donald Trump
Bill Curry, writer for different outlets, including Salon.com, and two time gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut recently wrote an article in Salon.com titled “How the Iraq war and the Great Recession of 2008 paved the way for the Trump Catastrophe.”
Curry makes the case that the Iraq war was based on lies, and, because there was no effort to identify the liars, or show what lies were promulgated, and no consequences for those who participated in the lies, it made Americans apathetic about lies that followed during the campaigns, and since the election. This also included the case of the lead-up to the Great Recession of 2008, and Americans saw no consequences to bankers and others who caused this. He lays blame on both parties, but particularly on Democrats, who could have initiated investigations and passed legislation, and, mostly, did not. He discounts the investigation outcome of the Russian meddling in the 2018 presidential election, and considers that Mueller evaded responsibility, and cites Pelosi’s current stance regarding impeachment as irresponsible. The American people deserve a record of what happened and what is continuing to happen, despite any fears about reactions. He believes that politicians do not trust the American people to learn the truth, and make their own decisions.

Part 2: Bill Curry on the Democratic Debates
Discussion of the upcoming Democratic debates. There will be 23 participants, and 5 moderators.
The expectation is that the participants will be tackling what they perceive to be ‘safe,’ centrist, issues, when what is needed. What is needed is discussion and debate about big systems that are badly broken: energy, health care, transportation, the banks, national security, and democracy itself. Curry sees two main factions: the elites and the progressives. These two factions have different agendas and different audiences/bases. The great crises that we face must be addressed: the slow death of the middle class, the near death of our democracy, and the imminent collapse of our environment. It remains to be seen whether these will be adequately addressed by participants.