February 22, 2025

The topic of this interview is primarily the importance of redistricting and the elimination of gerrymandering prior to the 2020 presidential election. Holder and President Obama are leading this effort nationwide. The goal is to do away with weirdly-shaped voting districts, which seemed to have been developed to divide up ‘unwanted’ votes, and thus dilute them to be irrelevant (‘cracking’), or concentrate the ‘desired’ votes (‘packing’) to make them more powerful. Gerrymandering is a way of cheating the voting process. Current technology make it easier for parties to do this. The outcome of a fair redistricting effort is to set up districts that are compact, contiguous, have natural boundaries, and contain communities with members who have mutual interests. The plan is to set up an independent commission to create the districts, with members as follows: 5 Republicans, 5 Democrats, and 5 Non-affiliated.
Also discussed during this interview was Holder’s tweet that the current Atty General, Barr, has deliberately misrepresented the contents and conclusions of the Mueller Report, and is not fit to run the Justice Department.
Holder also talked about impeachment inquiry as a way of informing Americans of the truth, since the redactions and closed-door sessions do not serve those ends.
Another topic that was discussed was Holder’s view that a commission should be created to study whether reparations are necessary for current African-Americans. This would not necessarily focus on monetary payments, but on social issues and how this has affected African-Americans.