March 6, 2025

Part One:

We speak with Geoffrey Cain, foreign correspondent and author, about his article in the New Republic describing the renewal of fascism in the modern world. Fascistic thinking today is not exactly the same as classic fascism as it arose in Italy in 1919. The circumstances that gave rise to 20th century fascism don’t exist today: fear of a rising communist enemy, yearning for a mythical wondrous past. But fascistic thinking is gaining traction: ultra-nationalism, stirring up hatred, bullying and violence, promoting distrust of society’s institutions.

Part Two:

We talk to “Dr. Politics,” Steffen Schmidt, professor of political science at Iowa State University. We discuss the debate about whether to begin an impeachment investigation. What values and goals would be served by each option — holding Pres. Trump accountable for his actions that have undermined our democratic system; upholding the rule of law; getting Trump out of office, etc. Would Trump be the beneficiary if the Dems got mired in an impeachment inquiry? Or would a public inquiry instead focus voters’ attention on the most egregious anti-democratic results of Trump’s behavior, leading them to vote to replace him?

We also discuss Pres. Trump’s tariff wars with Mexico, China and others. We consider the negative impact these tariffs have on American businesses, workers and consumers, on world trade generally, and on America’s relationships with other countries.