February 23, 2025

For broadcast of “The Attitude” on June 7th (Friday)
This is a program that is one hour long., with a break about half-way.
Guests: Jeanne Hruska (NH ACLU), Arnie Alpert (NH American Friends Society), and Renny Cushing (NH State Representative)

This program is a discussion of the recent decision by the NH Legislature to repeal the death penalty in NH, effective May 30, 2019. The program covers the history of how this repeal came about. The main effort started in 1998, and now has been completed, with he vote earlier this year by the Legislature. Governor Sununu vetoed, but the Legislature voted to override the veto.
The recent action by the Legislature is the culmination of at least 20 years of effort by various groups, who made a concerted push to reframe the argument for repeal, concentrated on the philosophical and moral aspects of the death penalty. “We are better than this” was a major tenet, rather than seeking vengeance for a crime. The fact that it took concerted the effort by many individuals, groups, and a long time was discussed.

List of topics,

Death penalty
State laws