February 22, 2025

Part 1: Effects of the Virus in Texas. Scott Braddock
We discuss with Scott Braddock the situation in Texas, in the wake of the ‘partial’ opening of the state. There are inconsistencies about how enforcement takes place, and the governor continues to waffle. We talk about the standards for reopening, and their vagueness.
In addition, there have been private conference calls between the governor and the members of the Texas legislature. What constitutes civil disobedience?

Guest Information:
Scott Braddock is the Editor of the Quorum Report, and a well-known political commentator about Texas politics and the ‘Voice of Texas.”

Part Two: Dr. Politics, Political Science Professor Steffen Schmidt Iowa State University

We talk to Dr. Schmidt about the return of the The Senate, forced by Mitch McConnell. The Returns to Its Essential Work…of doing nothing. McConnell is eager to get his judges confirmed, rather than deal with the problems of the coronavirus. There has been a complete lack of leadership from Washington on this issue. We also discuss the lack of Internet access in parts of the country, especially in rural areas. How does this affect education? What is the recovery plan?

Guest Information:
Steffen Schmidt is a political science professor at Iowa State University, and has been a long-time commentator on Iowa and national politics.

Additional sources:
Ex-Australian Prime Minister Comes Up With Biting New Way To Describe Donald Trump
Trump Administration Shelves CDC Guide To Reopening Country During Pandemic
The Choice For These Workers: Return To Their Jobs Amid A Pandemic Or Lose Them
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Discharged from Hospital After Gallbladder Procedure
Have ‘Never Trumpers’ Become a Democratic Faction?
Rural America lags on fast internet. Now small co-ops are building it.
Joe Biden Is Not Persuasive
Trump Says U.S. Must Reopen Even If More Americans Get Sick, Die  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-05/trump-says-u-s-must-reopen-even-if-more-americans-get-sick
San Francisco study reveals 90% of people who tested positive for coronavirus had been leaving home to go to work https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8290801/San-Francisco-study-finds-90-people-tested-positive-coronavirus-going-work.html
Openings may put black workers at disproportionate COVID-19 risk https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/496190-opening-may-put-black-workers-at-disproportionate-risk
Betsy DeVos sued for seizing student borrowers’ paychecks in violation of the CARES Act: “We don’t care. We don’t have to.” Condemned to DEBT (UserFriendly). 
Without in-person classes, many students have essentially gone missing, teachers say https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2020/05/04/coronavirus-thousands-students-sc-not-doing-their-school-work/3078809001/
Fight To Tax Amazon Resurges As Company Thrives During COVID-19 https://shadowproof.com/2020/05/05/fight-tax-amazon-seattle-covid-19/
Can We Even Stop Monopolization in a Pandemic? https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/can-we-even-stop-monopolization-in
A Lot of Democrats Would Really Rather Have a Nominee Who Isn’t Joe Biden https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wxqedq/a-lot-of-democrats-would-really-rather-have-a-nominee-who-isnt-joe-biden
Sanders not backing Warren as Biden VP: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/496297-sanders-not-backing-warren-as-biden-vp-report