March 6, 2025

Note: Arnie read a poem about the Tuskegee Airmen that uses the N-word a couple of times. The poem airs from 2:54 – 5:08. Poet Marilyn Nelson is the daughter of a Tuskegee airman.

Rethink the Week, with:
PoliSci Professor Dean Spilliotes of Southern NH U
PoliSci Professor Dave Anderson of Iowa State U
Adelle Stan – columnist for the American Prospect and research director at People for the American Way

Topics include: a new statue in New Orleans, Trump’s trip to France – claims that rain prevented him from visiting the memorial to those who died at Belleau Woods, petulant behavior, Macron, what were the messages of the election, health care, economy, Pelosi – speaker or no, the Democratic agenda – and more.