January 16, 2025

Part 1: Lincoln Mitchell, a columnist, political pundit, who also taught at Columbia University. Lincoln earned his BA from UC Santa Cruz and his Ph.D from Columbia University.
We discuss the recent elections, and how Trump is trying to negate his loss to Joe Biden. We are hopeful that Trump’s current adherents will peel away. We also discuss the upcoming runoff elections in Georgia, a state that has become blue. We talk about the need to have some kind of Truth and Reconciliation Commission, even if Trump is not prosecuted for his crimes against humanity during his time in office. This is necessary to at least stigmatize him.

Part 2: We talk with Rani Molla about the effects of social media on politics and the divisions that are exacerbated by social media. Before joining Recode, Rani was a data columnist at Bloomberg Gadfly and a visual reporter at The Wall Street Journal. In those positions, she charted everything from our growing internet addiction to the underlying energy production that makes our life online possible. 
She has degrees from Oberlin College and the Columbia Journalism School. Rani Molla covers business and technology news through chards, images, maps and sometimes, text.

The texts and tweets that are on the Web are not conducive to real discussions that people could have about issues that they care about. They are repetitions of slogans, insults, and serve only to solidify existing opinions, not an exchange of ideas. Polarization is bigger than we thought it would be.
