February 22, 2025

Part 1: Scott Braddock
The debate was an opportunity for Democrats to raise a great deal of money for their campaign. It seems that no one changed their mind. Trump supporters, mostly male, continue to perceive him as strong Women perceive him as a bully. And women vote in greater numbers. There is also a degree of Trump fatigue. Republicans campaigning in Texas are stressing their ability to work with Democrats. The governor of Texas is unpopular at present, mostly due to his handling of the Corona Virus.

People are appalled at Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacy. While Trump was shown in a poor light, Biden was shown to be steady. “I am the Democratic party”, as he said. Americans tend to be philosophically conservative, while being operationally liberal. Biden reassures people that he is not radical, as Trump would like to paint him.

There is a general sense that Trump is promising voter intimidation. The change to the US Postal Service has also had a dampening effect. Americans in general, want to use mail ballots. The political parties should take it upon themselves to educate voters about the voting processes.

Part 2: Steffen Schmidt
As Scaramucci said: “Trump has made us weaker, sicker, and poorer.”
Schmidt feels that the debate was good in that it showed Trump in an uncensored way, and revealed him, as what he is.

One of the issues that has arisen as a result of the California fires is that is has emphasized that the smoke has decreased the amount of solar power generation by 30%.

A recent Princeton study shows that children could be superspreaders of the virus.