February 22, 2025

Part 1: We talk with Scott Braddock about Texas.
Scott Braddock is the Editor of The Quorum Report.

 Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick dials his expectations way back for how President Trump will perform in Texas 
– Polls now show President Trump leading Texas in the final week of the election 
– Mike Bloomberg drops an additional $15 million to help Biden in Texas and Ohio in the homestretch. Extraordinarily large turnout in Texas. People who have never voted before are voting. There are 17 Million registered voters in Texas this year.
– Republicans get the backup they need from Texas business interests and Gov. Abbott, who combined poured more than $13 million into legislative races over the last month
– Biden explains his position on “fracking” and the oil and gas industry, saying Texans shouldn’t be misled by President Trump 
– Closing arguments being made by candidates from the top of the ticket to the bottom 
– Kamala Harris is campaigning in Texas today

Part two: Bill Curry, two time candidate for governor of Connecticut, aide to Bill Clinton

Civil unrest after the election anticipated
What will America look like after Tuesday
Was Joe Biden the right man for the job after all
Can reality fight the Trump delusion…. the doctors v the president
Win or lose it is Trumps GOP
How to respond to Trumps base after the election assuming Biden wins
What do the last four years say about America