February 23, 2025

For Oct 11, 2019
Part 1: Scott Braddock discussed the Texas scandal surrounding Texas House speaker Bonnen, who, after denigrating Empowered Texans, has met with the dark money group about their plans to target ten Republican members who are perceived to be not conservative enough. The conversation is said to be discussion of a deal with Bonnen. Tapes are likely to be released next week. The Texas Rangers is investigating. Texas legislators have been receiving requests from the Rangers for any documents. In Texas, it is illegal to solicit contributions during the legislative session of the veto period. The Texas Democratic party is suing to release the tape.
The discussion went on to discuss a documentary film called “Dark Money, ” which illustrates how bad the influence of dark money is on democracy, on both sides.
Parallels were seen in what is happening in Washington, D.C.
This scandal is dividing the Republicans in Texas.
Texas Republicans’ opinion is against Trump’s move to remove troops from Syria. Crenshaw and Cruz both criticized the move. They in turn are being castigated by Lou Dobbs, and others. It makes it more obvious that being Republican does not mean being conservative, but fealty to Trump. Trump’s response that the ISIS fighters will likely go to Europe, and thus not a problem for the US.
Trump is planning an event in Dallas. O’Rourke will have a counter-rally. This is the 12th or 13th trip by Trump to Texas, rare for a politician who is not from Texas.

Part 2: Interview with Sandy Levinson, who writes about the Constitution. This is a rebroadcast of a the August 16 broadcast. The “Fault lines in the Constitution”