February 22, 2025

Part One:

We speak with Matt Stoller, author of “Goliath: The Hundred Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy.”  He recently wrote in the New York Times about how Facebook and Twitter are destroying the media, by soaking all the revenue away from journalism, so there’s no longer any money left to hire good investigative reporters, to dig deep, ferret out the truth and hold government officials (& big business) accountable for their actions (including selling out the people to serve their wealthy donors and CEOs).

We discuss a piece that Matt posted today containing his predictions of what actions a Biden administration might take to break up monopoly power, to reduce the domination of our economy by a few bloated and greedy corporations, and to regulate the excessive and exploitative actions through which these giants are squeezing everyone else – especially average working people – out of the economy.

Part Two:

We talk with Harold Meyerson, editor at large of The American Prospect, about why universal family care belongs atop the progressive agenda  He introduces us to The Prospect’s special issue on how to solve the family care crisis.

The desperate circumstances confronting many Americans during this election year make it more likely that a relatively large number of progressive Democrats might get elected to the Senate and House on November 3.  They could well “encourage” a president Biden to sign major legislation improving child care, family services, elder care and other social/safety net programs that would bring the United States more in line with the people-oriented governments of most advanced economies in the world.  This would improve the lives of women, children, and working class Americans.