January 23, 2025

We “rethink the week” with Rick Newman, lobbyist and former legislator, Stephen Pimpare, professor at UNH and the Carsey Institute, and Dean Spiliotes, Professor and Civic Scholar at Southern NH University. We discuss the climate change crisis and the need to help leaders and the public to understand how urgent this crisis is. One suggestion was to stop providing insurance for the damages that arise from a climate disaster, so folks stop investing and rebuilding of property that will no longer be physically viable once the climate overheats.

We also ask whether our political system is so broken now that our society is unable to take action, in timely manner, to fight existential risks such as climate change and threats to our democratic electoral system including foreign interference and democracy reform (dark money, voter suppression, etc.).

Our guests try to predict how the newly initiated impeachment inquiry in the House will affect the presidential primaries and general election (as well as other elections down-ballot). Pres. Trump may bring down VP Pence with him, and maybe Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders with him. And if Trump is the only person running his “war room” to defend himself from impeachment, we wonder what else could go wrong? Who will prevent Trump from taking even more catastrophic action?