December 23, 2024
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*This is the The China Project Book List, 100 books about China across all genres — fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and everything in between — ranked from 100 to 1.*
*rethink the week*
*Lincoln Mitchell* teaches political science and public policy at Columbia University. *Stephen Pimpare *is a Senior Fellow at the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire. *Bill Curry *an American lawyer and politician and an advisor in the Clinton administration topics: Kevin McCarthy loses his speakership Trump as the next speaker? Jim Jordan endorsed by Trump for speaker Mike Lindell is broke it is the corruption stupid the threat of third parties Michigan a state where women and people of color define leadership listen online at Listen anytime to the podcast at <> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen,China, Books, Stephen Pimpare, Lincoln Mitchell, Bill Curry, McCarthy, Mike Lindell, Jim Jordan, Michigan, corruption, Trump