February 1, 2025

[image: image.png] *Winnie the Pooh* “Piglet?” said Pooh. “Yes?” said Piglet. “I’m scared,” said Pooh. For a moment, there was silence. “Would you like to talk about it?” asked Piglet, when Pooh didn’t appear to be saying anything further. “I’m just so scared,” blurted out Pooh. “So anxious. Because I don’t feel like things are getting any better. If anything, I feel like they might be getting worse. People are angry, because they’re so scared, and they’re turning on one another, and there seems to be no clear plan out of here, and I worry about my friends and the people I love, and I wish SO much that I could give them all a hug, and oh, Piglet! I am so scared, and I cannot tell you how much I wish it wasn’t so.” Piglet was thoughtful, as he looked out at the blue of the skies, peeping between the branches of the trees in the Hundred Acre Wood, and listened to his friend. “I’m here,” he said, simply. “I hear you, Pooh. And I’m here.” For a moment, Pooh was perplexed. “But… aren’t you going to tell me not to be so silly? That I should stop getting myself into a state and pull myself together? That it’s hard for everyone right now?” “No,” said Piglet, quite decisively. “No, I am very much not going to do any of those things.” … Part one: Walter Shapiro staff writer at *The New Republic * Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire on education, economy and drugs
Part two: American University Washington College of Law Professor Robert Goldman *How the ‘laws of war’ apply to the conflict between Israel and Hamas* listen online at www.wnhnfm.org/live Listen anytime to the podcast at www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238 <www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238> Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, Winnie the Pooh, Walter Shapiro, New Republic, Politics and Eggs, Ron DeSantis, Professor Robert Goldman, American University Washington College of Law,laws of war, Israel, Hamas, humanitarian, engagement