September 19, 2024
The annual NH Gives campaign is coming up and we’re counting on ALL of our listeners to help power our nonprofit station for the coming months. Can We Count on You for NH Gives?

Dear Friends:

The annual NH Gives campaign is coming up and we’re counting on ALL of our listeners to help power our nonprofit station for the coming months.

The NH Gives event begins 5 PM June 11th and ends 5 PM on June 12th, offering special incentives to participating organizations.

This 24-hour statewide effort benefits participating nonprofits of all kinds, from direct services to the arts and information.  WNHN, NH News, Views and Blues, is a 501c3 which provides news, information and a wide variety of music and entertainment to enrich the lives of Granite Staters.  

Did you know that some of our shows are syndicated nationally, too?   Arnie Arnesen’s The Attitude show was just added to WBAI New York’s lineup, one of the biggest community stations in the country!   

Whether you like our news or music, our eclectic schedule is there 24/7 either on the air or via the web.  We’re not asking for much, but a dollar a day would go a long way toward our utilities, rent, and license fees.  Don’t just sit by and let others pay your way!  Please give what you can to keep WNHN strong.   

From the board, staff and volunteers of WNHN 94.7, thank you for your gift!  


Charles Russell, Board Chair 

Board Members: Gordon Allen – Harry Kozlowski – Dave McEwen – Fred Richards – Brian Beihl